GTA | Geometry, Topology and Applications


The Geometry, Topology and Applications (GTA) group is composed of 10 PhD members, 5 PhD students and 1 scholarship.

The main areas of the group's research are Algebraic Topology, Differential Geometry, Discrete Geometry, General Relativity and Mathematical Biology. 

Doctors supervise research work at Master, Doctoral and Post-Doc levels and have collaborations with several national and foreign researchers.  


PHD Members

Non PHD Members

Useful Links

Last Publications

Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society | 2024

J. Garcia-Calcines

Phys.Rev.D | 2023

José Natário

Francisco Frutos-Alfaro

Michael Soffel

16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories | 2023

Jose Natario

N.O. Santos

Related Events

Sala de Seminários Ed.6-3.08 | | 14:30

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Salah Chaib (CMAT, Univ.…

Online | | 11:00

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Mario Fuentes (Univ.

Online | | 14:30

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Filipe Costa (IST-UL,…

Seminar room, room 3.08, building 6 | - | 11:30


University of Minho | - | 09:00

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GTA Seminar | Speaker: Leander Stecker (IST-UL,…

Sala F2.2 PII ECT, UTAD and online | | 11:00

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Hoi Ping LUK (The Hong Kong…

Sala de Seminários Ed.6-3.08 |

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GTA Seminar | Speaker: Lilia Mehidi (Univ.

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GTA Seminar | Speaker: Zakaria Ouaras (Côte d'Azur…

Sala de Seminários Ed.6-3.08 | | 16:00

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Ilka Agricola (Marburg,…

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GTA Seminar | Speaker: Alexandre Pombo (Czech…

Sala de Seminários Ed.6-3.08 | | 14:30

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Henrik Winther (Univ.

University of Minho | - | 09:30

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online | | 14:30

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Ahmed Elshafei (CMAT)

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Universidade do Minho | - | 09:30

The One Day Meeting in Mathematical Biology will gather researchers…

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Alexandre Pombo

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Rui Duarte

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University of Minho, Braga, Portugal | -

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