Luís Filipe de Pinho Oliveira e Costa

Centro de Matemática (CMAT)

I am a theoretical physicist working in Mathematical Physics–General Relativity. I obtained my PhD on Physics (General Relativity) at the University of Porto in 2012. I then moved to CAMGSD–Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, first as a postdoctoral FCT fellow (2013-2018), and subsequently as a contracted researcher (2018-2024), before joining CMAT in January 2025. My research focuses on the problem of motion in General Relativity, in the two sectors: the gravitational field produced by moving matter (“gravitomagnetism”), and the equations of motion for realistic (thus extended and spinning) bodies under the action of an external field. The similarities with electromagnetic phenomena (that emerge in both sectors) led to the interest in gravito-electromagnetic analogies, which I explored in my first research years.

I was awarded the Outstanding Reviewer Award by IOP in 2022, for review work with the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity, and one of my recent articles was highlighted as an Editor suggestion by Physical Review D.


Phys.Rev.D | 2023

José Natário

Francisco Frutos-Alfaro

Michael Soffel

16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories | 2023

Jose Natario

N.O. Santos