Title: Dynamics for the mosquito’s population: a…
The group of Analysis and Applications is composed of 30 PhD members and 8 PhD students.
The members of this group have long last collaborations with national and foreign researchers and work in a wide variety of topics in fundamental and applied analysis as well as in multidisciplinary applications. The research subjects include Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations, History of Mathematics, Hypercomplex Analysis, Kinetic Theory, Modelling, Numerical Analysis, Orthogonal Polynomials, Robotics, and Scientific Computing.
PHD Members
Non PHD Members
Useful Links
Last Publications
6th Statistics on Health Decision Making: Artificial Intelligence | 2024
Wolfram Erlhagen
Miguel Gago
Estela Bicho
Advances in Mathematics | 2024
XXXI Conference on Classification and Data Analysis (JOCLAD 2024) | 2024
Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma | 2024
Pedro Guimaraes
Weronika Wojtak
Paulo Barbosa
Sergio Monteiro
Estela Bicho
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