The fourth edition of GEMS — GEometry MeetingS — will take place…
The Centre of Mathematics of the School of Sciences of the…
The ML-DE Workshop on Machine Learning Meets Differential…
The Eighth Workshop New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions - NTQO…
4EPBM aims to bring together Mathematicians and…
This is the 12th edition…
4th Young Researchers in Functional Analysis and…
Regularity theory and free boundary problems: from…
Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and…
The X Iberian Modelling Week will…
Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática
The 181st European Study Group with Industry (ESGI 181) will take…
The meeting is organized by the…
The 6th International Symposium on Nonparametric Statistics (ISNPS…
Seminar Room of the Department of Mathematics, School of…
Terá lugar em Braga, de 8 a 10…
CMAT LabsFest is an initiative by CMAT.
After the first edition in…
The ALC Meeting 2023 is organized by the research group Algebra,…
This is the eleventh edition of the meeting on Particle Systems and…
The Seventh Workshop New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions - NTQO…
O encontro é organizado pelo grupo Geometria, Topologia e…
This is the second edition of the ANAP Meeting, although open to…
O Congresso da SPE é o principal fórum de discussão da…
This is the 6th CMAT's Open Day, an initiative of the Centre…
This is the third edition of the Women in Mathematics Meeting in…
The Meeting on Survival Analysis is organized by the CMAT-SAPOR of…
This is the first edition of the Workshop in Complex Fluids and…
CMAT LabsFest is an initiative by CMAT.
The ALC Meeting 2022 is organized by the research group Algebra,…
The Sixth Workshop New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions - NTQO…
The aim of the meeting is to promote discussions and interchange of…
O Encontro do grupo de investigação Análise e Aplicações (ANAP) do…
The One Day Meeting in Mathematical Biology will gather researchers…
Event organized by CMAT-SAPOR of the Centre of Mathematics at…
This is the second edition of the Women in Mathematics…
This international meeting aims to bring face to face well-known…
We are organizing an international conference on Dynamical Systems…
This biennial meeting aims at bringing together mathematicians,…
This is the tenth edition of the meeting on Particle Systems and…
CMAT LabsFest is an initiative by CMAT.
The main topic of this event is the theory of Lyapunov exponents in…
The ALC Meeting 2021 is organized by the research group Algebra,…
The Fifth Workshop New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions…
The VII Iberian Modeling Week will take place online from 26th to…
The One Day Meeting on Statistics and Applied Probability 2021 is…
Determinantal Point Processes
The Open Day of CMAT is dedicated to research…
Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM2021)…
The main topic of this event is the dynamical…
In a hybrid format with in-person and online participations, the…
The following sessions are part of the scientific programme of the…
The Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications…
The meeting will focus on recent progress in Pseudo-Riemannian…
The meeting brings together active researchers working in the…