

University of Beira Interior | -

The Sixth Workshop New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions - NTQO…

University of Minho | - | 09:00

The aim of the meeting is to promote discussions and interchange of…

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro | -

O Encontro do grupo de investigação Análise e Aplicações (ANAP) do…

Universidade do Minho | - | 09:30

The One Day Meeting in Mathematical Biology will gather researchers…

Campus de Azurém - Guimarães - University of Minho | -

Event organized by CMAT-SAPOR of the Centre of Mathematics at…

Anfiteatro da Escola de Ciências, Gualtar |

This is the 5th…

Universidade do Minho | -

This is the second edition of the Women in Mathematics…

University of Minho | -

This international meeting aims to bring face to face well-known…

PUC-Rio and UFRJ, Brazil | -

We are organizing an international conference on Dynamical Systems…

University of Malaga | -

Computational and Applied Mathematics  (CAM2022)…

Universidade do Algarve, Faro | - | 09:00

This biennial meeting aims at bringing together mathematicians,…

University of Minho | -

This is the tenth edition of the meeting on Particle Systems and…