Title: Dynamics for the mosquito’s population: a…
UMinho, Pólo de Gualtar, DMAT, Sala de seminários |
| 14:30
Online |
| 11:00
GTA Seminar | Speaker: Mario Fuentes (Univ.
UMinho, Pólo de Gualtar, Sala de seminários |
| 14:00
Title: Modelling and analysis of plant-virus…
Chemistry amphithetre (Ed. 6) and online |
| 14:30
Title :: The challenge of reduction…
UMinho, Pólo de Gualtar, Sala de seminários |
| 14:30
Title: Exclusion Processes with Non-…
Online |
| 14:30
GTA Seminar | Speaker: Filipe Costa (IST-UL,…
UMinho, pólo de Gualtar, sala de seminários |
| 11:00
Título: Inventory Modeling: A Mathematical…
Sala de Seminários Ed.6-3.08 |
| 14:30
GTA Seminar | Speaker: Leander Stecker (IST-UL,…
UMinho, campus de Azurém, biblioteca do DM |
| 11:00
Orador: Carlos Fabian Álvarez Escorcia (Institute…
Sala F2.2 PII ECT, UTAD and online |
| 11:00
GTA Seminar | Speaker: Hoi Ping LUK (The Hong Kong…
Seminar Room, Department of Mathematics |
| 14:30
Speaker: …
Seminar room (B4009), Departament of Mathematics |
| 14:30
Speaker: Patrícia Gonçalves (University of Lisbon…