Carla Maria Gonçalves de Macedo Moreira

Junior Researcher

University of Minho
(+351) 253604080

Carla Moreira was born in 1972 in Germany. She completed a Degree in Mathematics in 1996 at the University of Minho and a PhD in Statistics at the University of Vigo in 2010. Since 2009, he has carried out research into several problems in Survival Analysis, more specifically in the investigation of statistical models that accommodate double truncation such as truncated-response regression, smoothed estimation of the truncated density function, and hypothesis testing for truncated semiparametric models, with biomedical applications.

She is a Researcher at the Centre of Mathematics of the University of Minho since 2019, colaborator in SiDOR research center and in the Public Health Institute of the University of Porto, where she was an integrated member from 2016-2018. She is also Principal Investigator in the project ‘SUMcohort: Advances in Survival analysis under double truncation and Multi-State models. Software development and cohort based-studies’. His main research areas are Survival Analysis and Multi-state Models; cohort studies and computational statistics.


BAU Journal - Science and Technology | 2022

Joe Zeidan

Mathijs Goossens

Carla Moreira

Frontiers in Pediatrics | 2021

raquel Teixeira

Ana Catarina Queiroga

Ana Isabel Freitas

Ana Cristina Santos

Henrique Barros

Science of The Total Environment | 2021

André Moreira

Carla Moreira

João Cavaleiro Rufo

Oksana Sokhatska

Tiago Rama

Elaine Hoffimann