On the index of some graph matrices

On the index of some graph matrices

Sala de Seminários do DMAT

2024-03-22 - 14:30

2024-03-22 - 15:30

Speaker: Cláudia Mendes Araújo

Title: On the index of some graph matrices

Date: 22 March 2024, 14h30


    In person: Sala de Seminários do DMAT

   Online: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/93344876599?pwd=ejkrZ3FpYkh0NE1YV3NCdGFMOGw3QT09

Abstract: A fundamental problem in graph matrices is to characterize the invertibility of such matrices and to provide a formula for the inverse. This problem is naturally generalised to pseudo-invertibility. 

We will address the problem of determining the Drazin inverse of matrices associated to certain classes of digraphs, primarily using the characterisation of the Drazin index by the minimal polynomial of the graph matrix.