Bolsa de Investigação Pós-Doutoral / Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship

Bolsa de Investigação Pós-Doutoral / Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship

Encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de 1 (uma) bolsa de investigação pós-doutoral (BIDP) no âmbito do projeto de I&D “CoSysM3–Mathematical Modelling of Multi-scale Control Systems: applications to human diseases”, 2022.03091.PTDC, financiado por fundos nacionais (Orçamento de Estado), através da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT/MCTES.

O concurso está aberto de 5 a 25 de março de 2024.

As candidaturas devem ser formalizadas de acordo com o anúncio publicado no portal EURAXESS


A call for applications is now open for the attribution of 1 (one) grant of post-doctoral research fellowship (BIPD) within the scope of the R&D project “CoSysM3–Mathematical Modelling of Multi-scale Control Systems: applications to human diseases”, 2022.03091.PTDC, which is financed by national funds (OE) through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, FCT/MCTES.

The call is open from the 5th to the 25th of March, 2024.

Applications must be formalized in accordance with this announcement published in the EURAXESS